Holdstation Launchpad 101: Guide to Participate


“Holdstation Launchpad: What Is It and How to Participate? Answering All Your Questions About Joining Holdstation Launchpad in this Article.”

What Is Holdstation Launchpad?

Holdstation Launchpad is a platform dedicated to supporting promising projects developed on zkSync. It serves as a comprehensive hub for project teams, investors, and devoted communities.

How to Participate in Holdstation Launchpad

Desktop Guide

Step 1: Visit the Holdstation Launchpad homepage and connect your wallet that supports zkSync Era network like Holdstation Wallet, WalletConnect, or Metamask.

Step 2: Click on “Participate” in the Explore Projects section to explore the token sale schedules of various projects on Holdstation.

Step 3: Select the project you wish to invest in and find all information needed for research in detail, including potential assessments and risk evaluations, before making a decision.

Step 4: Understanding the Launchpad features

On the main interface:

Softcap represents the minimum fundraising goal; if the soft cap is not reached, all participants will receive a refund of their contributions.

Hardcap is the maximum fundraising goal; once the hard cap is reached, token allocation occurs at the end of the token sale.

“If contributions exceed the hard cap, tokens are distributed based on each participant’s contribution percentage, and excess funds are refundable at the end of the token sale.”

‘Amount For Sale — Price’ represents the total quantity of tokens available for sale along with the value of each token calculated at the current $ETH price.

To participate, enter the amount of $ETH you want to use, then click “Commit” and confirm the transaction in your wallet. After completion, your contribution amount will be displayed under “Your contribution amount.”

Step 6: After the token sale ends, visit Holdstation Launchpad to claim the tokens you purchased and any remaining $ETH (if the fundraising exceeded the hard cap).

Mobile Guide

Step 1: On the main interface of the mobile app, click on the “Launchpad pop-up” or go to “Settings” -> “Launchpad”.

Step 2: After selecting Launchpad, choose “Get Started”, carefully read the participation model, then select “Join IDO”

Step 3: In the HOLD token sale section, click on “Participate”. Use the slider or enter the amount of ETH you want to use for participation, then select “Commit” to complete the process.

After the end of token sale, the smart contract will calculate and allocate tokens to your address on the 27th November. Select “Claim” to receive your HOLD and refunded ETH (if the raised amount exceeds the Hardcap).

Affiliate Program

Holdstation offers an affiliate program that rewards users for inviting friends to join Launchpad. Users can earn 2% commission in $ETH from each successful referral purchase with simple steps.

Desktop Guide

Step 1: In the “Affiliate Program” section, copy the link and send it to your friends.

Here, users will find all the information about the number of people invited through the referral link, the amount of $ETH rewarded, and more.

Step 2: After the token sale phase is completed, users can choose “Claim” to receive their rewards.

Mobile Guide

Step 1: On the Commit interface, select the “Invite Friend” icon to switch to the Affiliate Program.

Step 2: Choose “Copy Link” and send it to your friends. All users participating through your affiliate link will be displayed below.

Step 3: After the end of HOLD token sale, you can claim your ETH rewarded by “Claim” button.

$HOLD Launchpad Timeline

The Launchpad timeline provides details about the token sale process:

  • Start time: Everyone can start participating at 12:00 PM UTC November 21.
  • End time: The token sale will end at 12:00 PM UTC Nov 24. After this period, users will no longer be able to participate.
  • Calculating: 12:00 PM UTC Nov 25–11:00 PM UTC Nov 27
  • Token Distribution: The smart contract automatically allocates tokens to all launchpad participants at 12 PM UTC on November 27.

Read more: HOLD Tokenomics — Building #RealYield for the Future

Additional Tips for Maximizing Efficiency

Stay Informed: Regularly check Holdstation’s announcements for updates on Launchpad projects to make well-informed investment decisions.

Join the Affiliate Program: Participate in the affiliate program by inviting friends to join Launchpad using your referral link, earning additional rewards based on their actual purchases.

Risk Management: All investments in the market carry risks, so allocate your assets reasonably to participate in your investment activities.

With simple participation steps and easy operations, Holdstation Launchpad is the optimal starting point for projects aiming to prioritize community engagement. Operating under a Fair model, all participants receive an equal amount of tokens at the same price. You don’t have to worry about competition or manipulation from investment funds or third-party entities.



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